woman  with bag ready leaving plants for holidays

Holiday watering

Het starten van een moestuin is een ontzettend duurzame en in mijn ogen ook een ontspannende manier om jouw eigen groenten, fruit en kruiden te kweken. Als je na een seizoen heerlijke groenten uit de moestuin hebt kunnen oogsten, geeft dit zoveel voldoening. Of je nu een grote tuin hebt of een balkon, in beide gevallen is het mogelijk om jouw eigen moestuin te starten. Ik geef je in dit blog de basisstappen voor het starten van de moestuin zodat het ook jou gaat lukken komend seizoen!

On the one hand, you can place more robust plants in the garden. You should preferably find a shady spot so that they are not permanently standing in the blazing sun. Thus your potted plants automatically receive precious water from above when it rains. If you are only away for a few days, it is sufficient to place a full bottle of water upside down in the soil of the tub plant. The plant takes as much water as it needs. Or you use plant containers with water reservoirs.

Those who do not like automatic irrigation solutions can still fall back on good old neighbourly help. Especially if as many plants as possible have been moved outside, on a terrace or in the garden, watering is clear and easy for the neighbour.

Those who do not like automatic irrigation solutions can still fall back on good old neighbourly help. Especially if as many plants as possible have been moved outside, on a terrace or in the garden, watering is clear and easy for the neighbour.

Those who do not like automatic irrigation solutions can still fall back on good old neighbourly help. Especially if as many plants as possible have been moved outside, on a terrace or in the garden, watering is clear and easy for the neighbour.

Those who do not like automatic irrigation solutions can still fall back on good old neighbourly help. Especially if as many plants as possible have been moved outside, on a terrace or in the garden, watering is clear and easy for the neighbour.

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